A stirring bar, also known as a magnetic stirrer bar, is a tool used in laboratory settings to mix liquids. It typically consists of a cylindrical or oval-shaped piece of plastic or glass with a small magnet inside.
Stirring bars are designed to be used with a magnetic stirrer, which generates a rotating magnetic field to cause the stirring bar to spin. This motion allows for efficient mixing of solutions without the need for manual stirring.
They come in various sizes and shapes to accommodate different containers and volumes. Stirring bars can be coated with materials like Teflon to resist chemical reactions and wear. Their use is prevalent in chemistry, biology, and various research applications where homogeneity of solutions is essential.
The advantage of using a stirring bar over manual stirring includes consistent mixing, reduced contamination risk, and the ability to stir samples at controlled speeds. Additionally, they can operate continuously, allowing for long-term experiments without the need for constant supervision. Stirring bars are easy to clean and reusable, making them a cost-effective choice for laboratories.